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Badenhorst created his own label Klein in 2013. The imprint released 12 records so far, often packaged in hand-crafted DIY packaging. As of 2023, Klein is distributed by N.E.W.S. in the Benelux.


The list below features albums of his Klein label and solo albums on other labels.

The Jungle he told me (Smeraldina-Rima 2012). First solo album of Joachim Badenhorst. Artwork by Rinus Van de Velde. Vinyl with silk-screened cover.

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Nachtigall (2013- Klein). Joachim Badenhorst / John Butcher / Paul Lytton.

Cd wrapped in silk screened cardboard cover + hand stamped cd sleeve.


Carate Urio Orchestra 'Sparrow Mountain' (2013 - Klein ). Debut album by Carate Urio Orchestra. CD in a hand stamped cardboard sleeve, wrapped in a silk screened poster.

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Listen on Spotify :


Carate Urio Orchestra 'Lover' (2015 - Klein). Artwork by Rie Iwatake. CD in hand folded and stitched cd sleeve.

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Listen on spotify:


Joachim Badenhorst 'Forest//Mori' (2015- Klein)


Cd, solo clarinets and field recordings.  wrapped in a handmade zine with art contributions by friends. Each zine cover is unique.


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Listen on Spotify:

Badenhorst / Peck 'The Salt of Deformation' (2016 - Klein/Tubapede records).

Duo album of clarinets/tuba an vocals.

Artwork by Karolina Zaniesienko.

CD and Vinyl

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Joachim Badenhorst 'Kitakata' (2016 - Santé Loisirs)


Solo clarinets and field recordings, made in Kitakata, Japan.

Casette. Woodblock print artwork by Eric Kinny




Carate Urio Orchestra ' Garlic & Jazz' (2017 - Klein)


Vinyl wrapped in banana paper cover. Silk-screened artwork by Charlotte Koopman.



Joachim Badenhorst ' Kyoto' (2020 Bandcamp)

A diary type of Solo album recorded and edited entirely on an Ipad, while being stuck in Japan during the first covid pandemic.

Download only.

Listen on Spotify:


Peter Holvoet-Hanssen & Joachim Badenhorst 'De Wolkendragers' (2020 - Klein)

Poems by Peter Holvoet-Hanssen put to music by Joachim Badenhorst.

CD wrapped in a poster.

Listen on Spotify:

Listen/Buy :

Carate Urio Orchestra ' Cosmos' (2022 - Klein)


Cosmic concept album by Carate Urio Orchestra.

Artwork by Karolina Zaniesienko.

Vinyl and CD.

Listen on Spotify:


Zero Years Kid ' Geen grenzen' (2023 - Klein)


Upcoming album by Zero Years Kid.

Artwork by Rinus Van de Velde.

Vinyl and CD.

Release 10 November 2023.

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